Tree Plantation Project by the Scout Troop of Nalanda College

Published On: November 9, 2020Views: 2800 Comments

Senior Scout Gamindu Karunaratne of Nalanda College Scout Troop executed a Tree Plantation Project in two phases as the Community Service Project for his President’s Scout Award.

The Phase 1 of the project was successfully completed by the Nalanda College Scout Troop on 10th October 2020 by planting 100 “Na” trees (???????????????????? ????????????????????????) near the Kottawa Interchange at the Southern Expressway. The event was officiated by the Assistant District Commissioner of Colombo District Scout Branch; Mr. Sampath Wijesinghe and the Additional Director of Expressway Operation, Maintenance & Management Division of Road Development Authority; Mr. Anura Mannapperuma.

The Phase 2 of donating 1500 “Wild Tea” plants (???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) to the Expressway Operation, Maintenance & Management Division of Road Development Authority for their future projects was compelled to postpone due the present Covid-19 situation and will be completed immediately after the situation is normalized.

Photo courtesy: NCST Labs

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